Friday, December 02, 2005

You supported the Orange Revolution? Now you can help.

You supported the Revolution? Now what are you going to do?

Everybody knows what happened last year with the Orange Revolution but few are paying attention to the struggle to finally bring Ukraine into the modern world economy. I know the fact that we aren't facing carnage in the streets makes this less newsworthy for the MSM but it is critical that 30 year old trade restrictions be finally lifted to allow Ukraine to move forward. Please go here and click on the link to "Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition Information Page."

Please direct your calls/letters to: House Ways and Means Committee

Chairman Bill Thomas, R-CA
Phone (202) 225-2915, Fax (202) 225-8798
Attention: International Trade Aid, Mike Holland

Ranking Minority Member Charles B. Rangel, D-NY
Phone (202) 225-4365, Fax (202) 225-0816
Attention: International Trade Aid, Jon Sheiner

If your Congressman is a member of the House Ways and Means
Committee, please contact him/her with your support for Ukraine's
graduation as well.


E. Clay Shaw Jr., R-FL
Nancy L. Johnson, R-CT
Wally Herger, R-CA
Jim McCrery, R-LA
Dave Camp, R-MI
Jim Ramstad, R-MN
Jim Nussle, R-IA
Sam Johnson, R-TX
Phil English, R-PA
J.D. Hayworth, R-AZ
Jerry Weller, R-IL
Kenny C. Hulshof, R- MO
Ron Lewis, R-KY
Mark Foley, R-FL
Kevin Brady, R-TX
Thomas M. Reynolds, R-NY
Paul Ryan, R-WI
Eric Cantor, R-VA
John Linder, R-GA
Bob Beauprez, R-CO
Melissa A. Hart, R-PA
Chris Chocola, R-IN
Devin Nunes, R-CA
Fortney Pete Stark, D-CA
Sander M. Levin, D-MI
Benjamin L. Cardin, D-MD
Jim McDermott, D-WA
John Lewis, D-GA
Richard E. Neal, D-MA
Michael R. McNulty, D-NY
William J. Jefferson, D-LA
John S. Tanner, D-TN
Xavier Becerra, D-CA
Lloyd Doggett, D-TX
Earl Pomeroy, D-ND
Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-OH
Mike Thompson, D-CA
John B. Larson, D-CT
Rahm Emanuel, D-IL

The vote on this issue will happen in only 3 days. It is critical for this country of 50 million that we continue to assist its continuing development.

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